Youth Social Change Makers as Entrepreneurs

EU & BY LEAP & Foundation of Tuzla community

Youth Social Change Makers as Entrepreneurs


Youth unemployment in the Tuzla Canton is one of the highest in the region. In regard to this, our association together with partner organisation "Foundation of Tuzla community" within the BY LEAP project, financed by European Union, wants to contribute to the increasement of self-employment of young people. Throughout a series of organized events, we want to encourage young people to get involved, educated and to recognize entrepreneurship as one of the opportunities for self-employment.

Group of young people from our organisation undergoes training and education and then organise the same for other young people. Educations on subject of activism, entrepreneurship, critical thinking and solving local community problems, leadership and fairness in decision making are some of the skills that young people will get familiar with trough this project. Through project, young people from Tuzla, Kalesija and Zivinice will build bridges of entrepreneurship, development of common ideas, and solving local community problems.

Project goal

Young people represent a strong driving force and they can do anything they want. Sometimes, all you need is an education on how to make your idea come true. The goal is to encourage young people to develop and implement their ideas in entrepreneurial world. We want young people to realize their potential, develop awareness about the importance of entrepreneurship and to discover their entrepreneurial spirit. One more, really important goal is the implementation of "peer-to-peer" education in which young people act for the benefit of young people, and strengthen the teamwork and leadership skills.

Description of activites

Through series of different activites as an event "SRETNIK/CA PODUZETNIK/CA" and “YOU MASTERCLASS”, young people got the opportunity to get familiar with terms of entrepreneurship, types and myths about entrepreneurship, and marketing, which represent a crucial part in any entrepreneurial plan. In order for young people to recognize entrepreneurship as an opportunity for self-employment, they first need get to know themselves. Young people went through activities to learn about skills and competences, the importance of public speaking and presentation of a business plan, and the creation of high-quality CV and letter of motivation.

The event "NOĆ MOĆNIH PODUZETNIKA!" is an opportunity for future young entrepreneurs to meet successful local entrepreneurs and to hear their stories. The exchange of ideas, experiences, interests and development of entrepreneurial spirit are some of the activities provided by this event.
